L3VPN on Cisco XR - without MPLS enabled switches
You can be put in situation to connect two or more L3 devices using L3VPN. The configuration isn't complex, and will work unless the path between devices invloves the non-MPLS enabled switches. If you ...
Created on 02 December 2014
Linux routing with BIRD and multiple tables
(Linux Networking)
Sometime is useful to rely on dynamic routing protocols like OSPF or BGP. For example we could use OSPF for two customers networks that should be never mixed in the same routing table.
Created on 17 March 2014
VLAN translaction on Alcatel
... to 100, in the way similar to the NAT. It could be use to provide the L2 connectivity for networks that have diffrent VLAN numbering.
This article is based on the Alcatel Command Reference, ...
Created on 10 February 2014