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Category: Cisco
Created on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 19:42
Written by Tomasz Zdunek
There are alot of articles covering subject of IOU running on Linux and Unix. I would like to go deeper and specific how we can create some useful confiugration on NETBSD/SPARC to have this maybe easier in some cases.
The goals I've set are:
Ony one IOU instance per NETBSD appliance
Use GNS3 clouds (UDP TAP) to provide connectivity between each NETBSD instance and other part of networks. This was really forced, in first instance I tried to create some kind of bridge, but NETBSD didn't recognize second LE (ethernet card) correctly
Make it as more automaticated as it is possible
Keeps each service separated
Read more: Configuring netbsd (sparc) appliance for IOU
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Category: Cisco
Created on Tuesday, 02 December 2014 14:42
Written by Tomasz Zdunek
You can be put in situation to connect two or more L3 devices using L3VPN. The configuration isn't complex, and will work unless the path between devices invloves the non-MPLS enabled switches. If you connect ASR routers using other devices in the network it can be tricky. BGP sessions is not an issue, but MPLS tags. For L3VPN two labels are required:
Outer Label - specifices outgoing interface to reach L3VPN enabled neighbor.
Inner Label - provides information about VRF instance for the neighbor
The issue I got was lack of Outer Label because the path toward L3VPN neighor was not MPLS-enabled. It was simply 802.1Q subinterface, on top of bundle-interface. The sessions have been established, but no traffic was seen on opposite site.
Read more: L3VPN on Cisco XR - without MPLS enabled switches
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Category: Cisco
Created on Monday, 10 March 2014 13:31
Written by Tomasz Zdunek
I had to have some alternative for SVIs used on MLS, but configured on router (CSR1000v). The solution required to have two phsycial interfaces bridge with IP address on top of it. In linux the solution its so trivial, not even worth to talk about doing it via either openvswitch or bridge utils.
Read more: Alternative for SVI in Cisco routers - BDI