Cisco networking, solutions, hardware and virtualization ...
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Cisco AAA (TACACS) configuration on: IOS/NXOS/XR
Below you can find configuration for the AAA authentication for follwing Cisco devices:
Cisco Nexus - NXOS
Cisco XR 9002 - IOS XR
Cisco Switches - IOS
Sessions like SSH ...
Created on 03 February 2016
L3VPN on Cisco XR - without MPLS enabled switches
You can be put in situation to connect two or more L3 devices using L3VPN. The configuration isn't complex, and will work unless the path between devices invloves the non-MPLS enabled switches. If you ...
Created on 02 December 2014
Configuring netbsd (sparc) appliance for IOU
... in file "~/.iourc"
An IOU SPARC image, should be copied into folder "/srv/NFS/CISCO/IOU/Unix/bin/"
Configured an bridge interface with DHCP server listening on that server - static IPs can ...
Created on 15 October 2014
Alternative for SVI in Cisco routers - BDI
I had to have some alternative for SVIs used on MLS, but configured on router (CSR1000v). The solution required to have two phsycial interfaces bridge with IP address on top of it. In linux the solution ...
Created on 10 March 2014