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Category: Security
Created on Friday, 14 February 2014 11:59
Written by Tomasz Zdunek
In somecases you would like to have suspend working but the system is unable to recover from suspend to ram. From Linux Kernel 3.9 we have a chance to configure the new option called 'suspend-freeze'. It's diffrent suspend mode, it does not turn off the computer but it's better than nothing.
My problem was on openSUSE I couldn't get it working after specified timeout via Power management or dconf. But it seems there is an workaround.
Configure systemd to use suspend-freeze
vi /etc/systemd/sleep.conf
Define idle time after going to suspend
vi /etc/systemd/logind.conf
In my environment based on openSuse 13.1 with Cinnamon and GDM it was required to remove pm-suspend binary. Without it the default suspend mode under Cinnamon/Gnome/GDM was suspend-to-ram which is ofcourse broken with my nvidia properiaty modules.
$ rm -f `which pm-suspend`
Add script for going to hibernate after specified amount of time, under /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep directory
# Purpose: Auto hibernates after a period of sleep
# Edit the "autohibernate" variable below to set the number of seconds to sleep.
curtime=$(date +%s)
# 30 min
case $1/$2 in
# Suspending. Record current time, and set a wake up timer.
echo "Suspending until" `date -d "$autohibernate seconds"`
echo "$curtime" > $lockfile
rtcwake -m no -s $autohibernate
# Coming out of sleep
sustime=$(cat $lockfile)
echo -n "Back from suspend... "
rm $lockfile
# Did we wake up due to the rtc timer above?
if [ $(($curtime - $sustime)) -ge $autohibernate ]
# Then hibernate
echo "hibernate"
/usr/bin/systemctl hibernate
echo "wake-up"
# Otherwise cancel the rtc timer and wake up normally.
rtcwake -m disable
I didn't write the script. The source of it comes from ArchLinux forum: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=161053#4